Stress Relievers
I'm actually in a pretty decent place right now, having just returned from a much needed vacation (thanks to Sharon for launching this week's posts in my absence!), but if you're in a less favorable midweek zone, check out these stress relief tips from Jules:
"When I was in social work school, I had a professor tell me a secret “quick fix” to lose my stress. The trick? Smile. I know, I know, who can smile when you feel like crying? But, trust me, this works. I do it most when my road rage gets me, but try it whenever the mood strikes. Count to ten and take a few deep breaths. Now, smile. A great big grin. Go on, no one has to see. Hold the smile for at least thirty seconds. Smiling lowers our blood pressure and reduces endorphins, both changes that can be felt right away. You should notice that after you pause for a moment to smile, you really will feel better (even if it’s because you’re laughing at how silly you feel!). Smiling is contagious, so be sure to share the wealth.
Smiling away your stress may seem very simple, but stress is a complex and significant contributor to health risks like hypertension. Stress often makes communication with loved ones and home life difficult. Here are a few more quick fixes for stress relief:
These are all short-term stress relievers, but with good practice and healthy living, you can say goodbye to high stress levels for good. A diet rich with fruits, veggies, and grains will leave you energized, and regular dates with your sneakers will keep you at an even keel. Together, with your mindfulness, physical wellness, and body focus, we can all say sianara to stress."