Music to Our Ears

kyledine.bmpToday, Tracy reports on a CD created for kids with food allergies:

“I recently heard about Kyle Dine’s music, and just had to share this CD. You Must Be Nuts! is filled with great tunes for kids living with food allergies. Kyle’s music is inspired by his own lifelong management of food allergies, and recounts some of his experiences as a kid who went to birthday parties wearing a big red sticker that said, “Please don’t feed me.” While awareness about the number and severity of food allergies has grown in recent years, there’s still room for more resources to help kids manage the inevitable stigma and worry that comes from being a kid with food allergies.
The music on the CD is easy to listen to, and while some of it is silly, such as the song Smellaphant the Allergic Elephant, the music offers a way for kids to have fun, while learning how to effectively manage their allergies. The songs address serious topics like the importance of Epi-Pens and ID bracelets, as well as identifying symptoms and gaining allergy confidence. Songs also cover other serious food intolerances such as Celiac Disease. Parents have commented on the website about how much their kids have loved having a CD that is specifically about the things that they deal with everyday.”