Reset the Doodle Dial
We’ve been on the go a lot these days, and waiting anywhere got a whole lot easier once I started toting Laurel’s Ultimate Wipe Off 123 book. I have given this and the ABC book as gifts to several of Laurel’s pals and they’re always a big hit. The books offer a fun way for kids to learn to draw and write letters and numbers, and an erasable marker is included so all you need is a napkin or tissue to reset the doodle dial.
The series also includes Learn to Draw, Pretty Princess, and Colors and Shapes. We bought a 4-pack of low odor colored dry erase markers when the included marker ran dry and Laurel loves having color choices.
Note: Alternately, another easy to tote item that makes airline or restaurant waits a breeze is the previously noted Do A Dot coloring book series. The Discovering My World and Picture Me A Princess coloring books have garned countless hours of colorful play.