Brighten Your Outlook

klutz_windowart.jpgIf your family is tired of looking out the window and seeing the sparse drab of winter, consider trying Klutz Window Art to brighten your outlook. The kit includes a book of illustrations, 3 plastic sleeves, and 6 bottles of paint. Just slip a sleeve over a page, trace the illustrations with paint, let the paint dry for 24 hours, then peel and stick your kiddo’s colorful creations right on a window. I bought two more 18-bottle fanatic packs of paint from Klutz since Laurel was so focused on the project that she used all the kit paints in one (impressively long!) sitting. The project also apparently appeals to grownups (including - to date - mom, aunt, and grandma...).

Note: The instructions from Klutz indicate using the black outline paint for all illustrations (warning that otherwise the window art might not hold together), but we’ve made lots of window art without the black outline paint and it works perfectly well.