I Heart Marathon Sports

marathon-sports.gifPoor customer service is perplexing, frustrating, and amazingly rampant in the retail industry, so I’m always thrilled to discover a store – such as Marathon Sports – that does it right. In need of a new pair of running shoes in advance of the Gobble, Gobble, Gobble run, I visited Marathon Sports with Laurel on Sunday. I was approached immediately (in a good way) by a friendly staffer, and after observing my feet and walking gait (in socks, pants rolled up) and asking about brand preferences, the staffer made easy work of the sea of sneaker options on the wall and pulled his two top recommendations, the second of which fit beautifully and felt great as I test trotted around the store.
I have walked by the flagship Cambridge location countless times, but this was my first time visiting the store (they also have locations in Boston, Brookline, Melrose, Norwell, and Wellesley). Remarkably, Laurel and I were in and out of Marathon Sports in 10 minutes (a major bonus since it’s not always easy doing errands like this with kids in tow). I’m still amazed that in that short time, the staff was able to put their knowledge and experience to excellent use, while offering personal attention and support as I prepare for my first race.

Yesterday, I hit the 30 minute run mark for the first time in my new sneakers. I have a feeling I'll be logging a lot more miles in these (and future) shoes from Marathon Sports.

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