Stay Healthy Tips

cdc-flu.jpgToday, Carole Arsenault of Newborn Nurses shares some tips for staying healthy during the flu season:

“Expecting mothers or moms of young children have more than just themselves to worry about this flu season, particularly with the added threat of the H1N1 (swine flu) virus. Pregnant women and young children are particularly susceptible to complications related to the flu.
We are learning more every day from experts who are studying these viruses. Here are some of the latest recommendations from the CDC to help protect yourself and your children.

  • Health care professionals recommend that pregnant women be vaccinated for both types of flu.

  • Getting your flu shots during pregnancy can help protect your newborn from these viruses.

  • Practice flu-prevention hygiene. Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the spread of germs. Teach these behaviors to your children.

  • Keep your home clean, especially high traffic areas such as keyboards and doorknobs. Open windows for fresh air as often as you are able.

  • Boost immunity by eating a balanced diet packed with plenty of fruits and vegetables. This is especially important for toddlers and young children.

  • Stay informed. The CDC website offers information and resources about the seasonal flu and H1N1 flu. The H1N1 page is being updated frequently.

    If you or your child start to experience flu symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, chills, or body aches, call your health care provider for professional guidance.

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    Image credit: CDC

  • Style, FamilyChristine KohComment