A King in a Catalog
Today, Kate recommends a reliable (and resplendent) source as you gear up for fall baking:
“I used to love receiving catalogs, each so colorful and shiny and full of promise. And then the deluge began – so many catalogs, often multiple copies of the same one, and many for products that I would never dream of buying – and the fun turned into annoyance that my mailbox was stuffed and the forests being cut down.
These days, I've managed to reduce the flow and also narrow down to a very few catalogs that I still flip through, and there's one in particular that always make the cut: the King Arthur Flour Company (call 800-777-4434 to a request a catalog or place an order and you'll start receiving one). Some of you may know that I like to bake, and from that you might (correctly) surmise that I also like baking tools. For the best in baking gear, the King is unmatched, as is the beauty of the catalog.
King Arthur Flour, a New England company, offers not only a glorious range of flours and other less common baking ingredients, but also pans and trays and gadgets and gizmos. Best of all, each catalog includes a few freebie recipes, and they're actually good! Next time you get the urge to knead or mix or sprinkle, check out the King's offerings.”
Image credit: Silicone Round Mini Pans