Happy News
What an outpouring of birthday love I felt in my inbox and Twitter stream yesterday -- thank you! I had a fantastic day off; most of the morning was spent with my midwife and an ultrasound technician, and then I enjoyed bento boxes with Jon, he helped me take a step towards #36 on my life list via a very generous gift, and I enjoyed relaxation, cake, and music making with Jon and Laurel throughout the rest of the day. So lovely!
Oh, and our happy news! We're about 80% sure (the ultrasound technician said she's 95% sure...) that we will welcome a little girl in March. We're thrilled and the baby is doing great. I saw her flip over, suck her thumb, strike a vogue pose, and do what looked suspiciously like downward dog to me. (Like mother, like daughter apparently.) Now, on to the challenge of thinking up a name (Jon and Laurel recorded a pretty hilarious song last night about all of the names we can't use; i.e., names of friends, relatives, etc.).
I'll be back to regular blogging tomorrow; I promise! Meanwhile, I hope you're enjoying a fantastic week.
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