The Cutest Panda Mugs

panda-mugs-1.JPGThough in general I advocate for less of the unnecessary, every now and then something material catches my eye and refuses to budge from my periphery. Such was the case last weekend when Laurel and I were in Porter Square, picking up some Japanese pastries and browsing Tokai. I circled away from these ridiculously cute Japanese panda mugs (note the adorable tail blob on the back of the mug) about five times, trying to convince myself out of buying them. Which of course meant I needed to buy them.
There's something to be said for picking up small things that bring you joy. And it's impossible for me to feel anything but happy drinking out of these cups.

Unfortunately I couldn't find an online option to purchase these mugs, but the label indicates that they are from Kotobuki Trading if you want to try to track down a retailer. And you can pick them up at Tokai (they just got them in stock a couple of days before I bought them; I hope they stocked a lot!). I believe they also had a version in a sake set.
