A Marathon For People Who Like Kids (+ Don't Want to Do a Marathon in One Day)
Friends, have you ever thought about doing a marathon and then thought, man, doing a marathon in one day sounds HARD. Yeah, me too! The good news then? There's a marathon you can do in 27 days, and it benefits kids. It's the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Miracle Marathon, and I'd love for you to join me at team Boston Mamas & Papas (or make a donation to the team)! Here are the (super easy) details:
- The marathon runs September 16-October 12 and any type of forward motion (e.g., run, walk, bike, pogo stick) counts! The first 26 days are completed at your own pace (walking to your favorite cafe counts!). On Day 27, the final 1.2 miles will be started as a group at 2:27 pm EST. It's a marathon, plus a mile for the kids.
- Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raise funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America. You can join team Boston Mamas & Papas (which I have designated to benefit Boston Children's Hospital) or register to support a Children's Miracle Network Hospital near you.
- If you'd rather I rock the miles for you, I'm totally down with that! Make a donation and then leave me your social details (either by comment below or via e-mail) and I'll give you sweet, delicious social media love!
- The hashtag is #MiracleMarathon -- I'll be sharing my journey primarily on Instagram and Twitter. Come party with me!
Other than my giving birth (or visiting other people who have given birth), Laurel and Violet have never had reason to be in the hospital. But I'm so grateful for the work Boston Children's does for so many kids and it definitely offers peace of mind knowing they are right in my back yard if I need them. I'm thrilled to support Boston Children's through the Miracle Marathon and I hope you'll join me or support a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital near you!
Disclosure: I'm working with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in a consulting capacity; however, they never asked me to post about Miracle Marathon. I'm simply posting and fundraising because it's an awesome cause. Yay for awesome causes!