A Challenge to Prioritize (the Non-Spa Side of) Self-Care
One thing I talk and write about a lot -- on the speaking circuit, on this blog, in Minimalist Parenting, and on the Edit Your Life podcast -- is self-care. Contrary to popular belief, self-care is not selfish and one important thing that Asha has reminded me of is that self-care doesn't just mean a day at the spa (nice as that would be!). It also means the actual care for your person, whether that's a trip to your primary care physician, dentist, or eye doctor.
Now that I think of it, dentists seem to be the only "medical self-care agents" (I just made that term up!) who proactively encourage you to book your next appointment. I've never had my PCP or eye doctor ask me to book a one-year follow up, so it's easy to forget about it. (Cue the year I totally forgot to book Laurel's well visit. OOPS.)
I'm subsequently thrilled to be working with the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women #YouGoGirl campaign. The goal is simple and awesome: to challenge women to take care of themselves and schedule and prioritize their well-woman visit. If you haven't heard the term well-woman visit, it's simply your physical to help identify serious health concerns -- such as heart disease and stroke -- before they become life threatening. And here's the thing: it only takes a minute to make the phone call to book your well-woman visit. GO DO IT! Thanks to this initiative, I got off my rump and booked my appointment for January 7 and I would love for you to join me in taking action to care for your self. So will you call today and book yourself an appointment to get 2016 started off on the right foot?
Last month we shot photos and video in this gorgeous Chicago loft! Here are the amazing women I'm working with to help spread the word about #YouGoGirl:

And here's the video I shot last month in Chicago for the #YouGoGirl campaign (if I look freezing in the closing clip it's because I was freezing...November in Chicago!):
Disclosure: This post reflects an editorial partnership with Go Red For Women. All storytelling is, of course, my own!