8 Ways To Up Your Organizational Ninja Game
I’m not sure I know a parent who doesn’t use Ziploc® brand bags. I use them daily, and in a multitude of ways (more on that in a second). When Ziploc® brand reached out to invite me to join Ziploc® Team Tough Mother to celebrate the launch of its new Easy Open Tab bags, and participate in the New England Tough Mudder, I was like, wait, what’s the connection? And then I watched their Tough Mother video, which totally made me laugh since my family is pumped that American Ninja Warrior is back. (I kind of feel as if I’m running the Tough Mudder course when I’m speed-tidying!)
Ziploc® brand is partnering with Tough Mudder events around the country in celebration of the launch of their new Easy Open Tab bags (and the awesomely tough moms who make good use of them every day). These bags are so useful because they’re really easy to grip and open—hence the name! And though I’m unable to participate on Ziploc® Team Tough Mother this weekend, I want to share some personal inspiration for how to up your organizational tough mother ninja game from the comfort of your home.
1. Pantry storage
Food storage is the obvious bread and butter (pun semi-intended) use for Ziploc® brand products. However, beyond the typical freezer and refrigerator use, I use the bags to tame pantry clutter (e.g., consolidating the seven mostly consumed boxes of different granola bars into one bag #totalpetpeeve).
2. Beach tote organization
Big beach totes are key for schlepping items from point A to B. However, the lack of compartments means you need to create your own system. I'm using Ziploc® brand bags with Easy Open Tabs to keep snacks, sunscreens, bug spray, and first aid items organized.
3. Travel
When I travel, I use large Ziploc® brand storage bags for my shoes, and snack or sandwich bags to separate cosmetics and items that might explode or leak in transit (e.g., lotions, contact lens saline).

4. Gym bag (or running kit)
Ziploc® brand bags with Easy Open Tabs are super handy for gym bag organization, too. When I’m preparing for a race (like the half marathon I did over Memorial Day weekend), I prepare my kit the night before and separately bag up food (gel packs, bananas, etc.), toiletries (e.g., body glide), and first aid items. Along with a dry change of clothes, I also include a separate empty bag for my soaked clothing (I sweat a lot) for after the race.
5. Everyday on-the-go kit
This spring has taken some getting used to, given that we’re on-the-go a lot for soccer and other events. After many, many outings of finding myself unprepared (seriously, why do I ever leave the house without kids’ snacks?), I’ve now assembled an on-the-go kit that I leave by the door and can just toss in whatever bag I’m carrying that day. The kit includes snack packs, mini water bottles, hand sanitizer, tissues, bandages, and an emergency diaper packed in a Ziploc® brand bag. My kit came in especially handy recently when Vi had to use a porta potty for the first time and it was out of both tissue and hand sanitizer—YUCK!
6. Toy organization
I’m a pretty routine playroom organizer, but the Calico Critters and Playmobil aren’t going anywhere soon. And OMG ALL THE LITTLE PIECES! I use Ziploc® brand bags to sort items so they can actually be found and played with, versus jumbled in a big box.

7. Closet organization
When Violet was born (and I knew the girls were going to share a room), I decided to take advantage of the large closet and get rid of Laurel’s big dresser to make room for Violet’s crib. I bought modular storage bin drawers that fit the closet to store little things like socks, underwear and bathing suits, but quickly found that the drawers got messy quickly. I now use separate Ziploc® brand bags to keep socks (the worst offender!) and accessories (e.g., mittens, hats) organized.
8. Office/craft supplies
Between my studio and Laurel and Violet’s craft cabinets, we have a lot of little bits and pieces that need to be corralled. Ziploc® brand bags with Easy Open Tabs and clear storage containers are essential for keeping things organized!
Are there other ways that you use Ziploc® brand bags to be an organizational ninja? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below!
Disclosure: This post was inspired by a compensated editorial partnership with Ziploc® brand. All thoughts and opinions and organizational ninja tips are, of course, my own!