How to Care for Air Plants (+ A 10 Second Fall Centerpiece!)
I recenrlt bought a few air plants (and this gorgeous vessel!) at the Somerville Flea. I’ve been wanting to get air plants for a while, both because I love the look of them and because hey, no dirt for my preschooler to dig into or knock over! The lady who sold them to me talked me through some care tips, which I wanted to share with others thinking about getting air plants (formally known as Tillandsias). (Also, if you’re looking for another simple plant tutorial, check out my friend Melissa’s DIY terrarium post!)
Here are four things air plants need to be happy:
1. Light
Air plants love bright, filtered natural light or full spectrum artificial (fluorescent) light. Avoid direct sun in the summer months to prevent sunburn.
2. Water
Thoroughly wet air plants 2-3 times per week (ideally in the morning); more often in hot, dry environments, less in cool, humid ones. Spray misting is not sufficient as the sole means of watering, and air plants should not be placed in standing water.
3. Air circulation
After each watering, air plants should have enough light and air circulation to dry in 4 hours or less.
4. Fertilizer
To encourage blooming and reproduction, use Bromeliad fertilizer twice a month. Other water soluble fertilizers (e.g., Miracle Grow) can be used at 1/4 strength. I’m hoping to get my new little plants to reproduce...they’re so pretty and I was inspired seeing the plant lady’s baby air plants!
10-second Air Plant Centerpiece
While I was at the flea market I was on the hunt for some cute tiny little gold containers for my new air plants but didn't find what I was looking for. But then I came up with this 10 second fall centerpiece idea yesterday morning. Simply grab a few small glasses; I used two square tea light holders + one espresso cup. Fill with baby pine cones. We had baby cones in a bowl from last fall, or it would make for a great task to have your kids hunt for them. Nestle air plants into the pine cones and DONE. So pretty, right?
How to care for air plants (+ a 10-second centerpiece tutorial)