Edit Your Life Episode 143: Editing Your Holiday Gift List [Rebroadcast]
This week’s episode is sponsored by Simple Contacts, a convenient way to renew your contact lens prescription and reorder your brand of contacts from anywhere, in minutes. For an exclusive deal from our sponsor, tune in to our episode!
Most of us love presents: getting them and giving them. And yet, even with the best of intentions and the most iron-clad of budgets, holiday gifting can take on a frenzied quality. How do you embrace the delight of gift-giving without stumbling into the stress that seems to shadow annual holiday shopping? In Episode 143 of Edit Your Life, Asha and I rebroadcast 8 tips for editing your holiday gift list without tamping down your generosity, including perspective shifts to help you refocus on connection instead of obligation, how to get organized, clutter-free (and in some cases, virtually cost-free) gift alternatives including gifts that give back, plus tips for communicating with your family so everyone’s gift expectations are on the same page.
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Resources mentioned in this episode
Minimalist Parenting (our book)
Related episode: Episode 13: Raising Readers (Guilt-Free)
13 Things I Want For My Teenager (Boston Mamas)
Gift ideas that simplify holiday shopping or don’t require shopping at all (click for Asha’s homemade chai concentrate recipe)
Brave New World Designs (Christine and Jon’s advocacy-oriented tees; free domestic shipping through 12/3/18)
Question Of The Week
What’s your favorite independent shop for holiday gifting? Join the discussion on the Edit Your Life Facebook page (look for the Question Of The Week post pinned to the top of the page).
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Edit Your Life podcast co-hosts Christine Koh + Asha Dornfest share tips for editing down your holiday gift list
How to edit your holiday gift list