This morning Asha and I recorded an Edit Your Life Show episode on self-care and one of the points I raised was that while there are plenty of self-care options you can enjoy free or on the cheap, I believe that it’s worth investing in certain things -- particularly when professionals clearly can do a better job! For me, facials definitely fall in that bucket. Read on for my thoughts on Sway Aveda Spa, and also for info on how to get a complimentary Sway manicure!
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When I started my freelance career 10 years ago, my "office" was a desk in the middle of our dining room (#notoptimal). So when we moved, one of my key requirements for our new home was a dedicated office with a door. I'm blessed to have said office, but now one of my biggest challenges is that unless I have meetings, I lack both adult human contact and transition time to shift from work to family mode. Don’t get me wrong, in general, I love not having to commute, but some days, the lack of transition time is definitely a problem.
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