Six Reasons Why You Should Try Bangs

bowl-cut.jpgLast Thursday I visited my friend Honey Jo for a long overdue haircut. I adore Honey Jo for many reasons, but on the professional side, I love how confident I feel in her talent. When she asks what I want to do with my hair, I always say, "I'm open -- what do you think would be fun?" And that the results are always fabulous. She's done brilliant color work, chopped my hair short, and last week gave me bangs for the first time since, well, a long time ago. I was thrilled with my hair, but it wasn't until the Instagram picture I posted on Facebook blew up that I thought more about bangs editorially. Here are six reasons why I think you should consider trying them:

1. You can get past bad bang trauma (and also have a good laugh). So usually, when Honey Jo suggests a look for me, I say, "Yeah, go!" However, when she suggested bangs I paused uncharacteristically for a few minutes because my experience with bangs has largely been dominated by the bowl cut look I maintained from roughly 1977-1982. So I needed to let go of that. Honey Jo presented me with some fine literature (US Weekly) to show me examples of modern bangs. And then I was laughing hysterically when my sister Sharon shared the bowl cut trifecta imagery above and below. I really owned this look, no?


2. It's a good time to experiment. Honey Jo pointed out that winter is a good time to experiment with bangs, vs. in the summer when you're hot and sweaty and want hair off your face.

3. Bangs hide blemishes. Zit on your forehead? No problem. Not speaking from experience or anything.

4. Bangs are easy to care for. I'm finding that bangs are kind of like sunglasses in that they're a quick and easy addition to your look. Just fluff them a little, and even if the rest of your hair isn't looking stellar, you look more polished.

5. Bangs play up different features. Honey Jo pointed out that the fun of changing a haircut is playing up different features. My previous cut highlighted my cheekbones, whereas bangs would play up my eyes. I found that the look did both. I was thrilled.

6. Hair grows out. Fact. So why not experiment?

Now, I will say that experimentation is always easier when you've got someone talented behind the scissors. I cannot recommend enough that you go see Honey Jo (she's at Studio 9 on Newbury). When I told her that the bang frenzy over the below photo inspired me to write this post, she kindly offered that if you book a cut and mention that you heard about her through me she'll give you 20% off. Awesome!

So go give it a try! And if you do, share a photo on the Boston Mamas Facebook page. I'd love to see your beautiful bangs!
